Trelleborg Belejringen 2007
Weekenden 12-13 maj 2007 var Legio VI Victrix Cohors II Cimbria i felten for første gang. Vi havde forlagt vores forårs manøvrer til den gamle vikingeborg Trelleborg ved Slagelse. Foruden de militære indslag der omfattede ekscersits, foredrag om romersk militærtaktik og skydning med (mini)oneager var også boden med varer der blev handlet mellem Rom og "danskerne" samt det fantastiske romerske køkken med et bredt udvalg af frisklavede smagsprøver en stor succes. Efter 2 dages belejring af den mægtige romerske hær, var museets ledelse så blødgjort at vi blev enige om at Legio VI Victrix Cohors II Cimbria skulle vende tilbage igen næste år.
On the 12-13th of may 2007 Legio VI Victrix Cohors II Cimbria was in "the Field" for the first time. Our Spring-maneuvers was exercised on the old Viking fortress Trelleborg on Southern Zealand. Besides the military drills, the stories on Roman military tactics and the shooting with our mini-oneager, we also brought a "shop" that displayed what the Romans sold and bought in "Cimbria "(Denmark). A big succes was the Roman kitchen that worked hard to serve the Taste of Ancient Rome to the Danes. After a 2 days "Siege" by the Great Roman Army, (It aint much - but its Rome!) the Museum Leaders surrendered and we were invited to come back next year, making our May-Maneuvers on Trelleborg a tradition.

On the 12-13th of may 2007 Legio VI Victrix Cohors II Cimbria was in "the Field" for the first time. Our Spring-maneuvers was exercised on the old Viking fortress Trelleborg on Southern Zealand. Besides the military drills, the stories on Roman military tactics and the shooting with our mini-oneager, we also brought a "shop" that displayed what the Romans sold and bought in "Cimbria "(Denmark). A big succes was the Roman kitchen that worked hard to serve the Taste of Ancient Rome to the Danes. After a 2 days "Siege" by the Great Roman Army, (It aint much - but its Rome!) the Museum Leaders surrendered and we were invited to come back next year, making our May-Maneuvers on Trelleborg a tradition.

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