So much, for the Glory of Rome!
"Welcome to year 75. In Rome our beloved Emperor Vespasianus is about to build the Colloseum - cleaning up after Neros mess and the sad 4-emperor year..."
Legionarie Titus famous "Calliga-dance"
Legionaire Longus ready for the March
The wildhog formation - The Cuneum
The turtleformation - The testudinum
I uge 29 2008, tog COH II årets store "kampagne" i Hjemsted Oldtidspark. Sammen med gladiatorer fra Ungarn gennemførte vi daglige shows der fortalte om livet som legionær og opstillinger af forskellige kamptaktikker.
In week 29 2008 COH II had this years "long campaign" in Hjemsted Ironage Park. Together with hungarian gladiators we had daily shows in the arena, on the life of the Roman legionaire and some battle tactics.