Veni, vidi, vici at Kroppedal Museum
The complete group of Romans and Cimbrian Barbarians!
Elitelegionaires Ready for battle!
The Optio is having a field day - crancy as ever :-)
The onager, ready for show!
The big Hatra Ballista!
Praying to Jupiter for good weather!
Our new Cornicen!
Så blev Kroppedal museum Erobret af Cohors II og Hvervingen. For første gang sammen, udgjorde vi et perfekt tidsmatch for oplevelsen af Danmark i Romersk Jernalder. Vi fik for første gang opstillet den store nye lejr, med taverne og værkstedstelte og 6 militære telte samt et tableau for Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Hold kæft hvor vi fylder!! STOR tak til Kroppedal Museum for et yderst velfungerende arrangement!
Kroppedal Museum near Copenhagen at Zealand, was this weekend sieged by Cohors II and our Ironage germanic barbarian brother group. Together we made the perfect frame for the time of Denmark and the Roman Empire. For the first time our complete camp was raised. Taverntent, workshop and 6 military tents, and, a tableau for Jupiter. Shit, we have gone BIG!
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