Struer Bibliotek
Det fortælles om livet i den Romerske Hær.
A living lecture on the life in the Roman Army.
Legionarie Matheus and the C.
A living lecture on the life in the Roman Army.
Legionarie Matheus and the C.
Børn med gode romerske navne: Patricia, Matheus og Josefine.
Kids with good roman names: Patricia, Matheus and Josefine...
Kids with good roman names: Patricia, Matheus and Josefine...
I Efterårferien var COHORS II booket til et lille tre-timers arrangement på Struer Bibliotek. Vi fik lavet en lille romerlejr midt i biblioteket og fik fortalt om livet i Romerriget og den romerske hær.
Struer Library in Jutland had booked 2 members of COH II for at three hour lecture on the life in the Roman Empire and the Roman Army. A nice little Gig.
Struer Library in Jutland had booked 2 members of COH II for at three hour lecture on the life in the Roman Empire and the Roman Army. A nice little Gig.