Forårsmanøvre 2008!

I forbindelse med at vi fejrede romersk nytår den 1. marts tog Legio VI Victrix en lille "forårsmarch" på den gamle Hærvej der historisk rækker tilbage til 2000 fvt. Kulden var bidende men billederne blev rigtigt gode synes vi selv. De er taget af vores formand Dan Hansen - Lorica Maximus.
I connection with our celebration of Roman Newyear the 1st of March, a detachment of Legio VI Victrix Cohors II Cimbria took a little March on the old "Army Road" in Southern Jutland. It was freezing cold but great fun. The Army Road is an still existing ancient road going up through Jutland, with a history reaching back to 2000 bc.
The pictures are taken by our chairman Dan Hansen.
Crossing the old "Roman" brigde.
Spotting the enemy?
A Roman wolf in a danish forrest?
Better be alert!
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